If you wanted information on Disneyland which website would you visit? Disneyland.com!
If you wanted information on Chevrolet which website would you visit? Chevrolet.com!
If you wanted information on NIKE which website would you visit? NIKE.com!
If you wanted information on Microsoft which website would you visit? Microsoft.com!
So if you were looking for information on San Rafael which website would you visit? SanRafael.com!
SanRafael.com is the #1 source of unique brand traffic for San Rafael and Marin County!
Our web address is one of the top reasons why SanRafael.com is such a terrific advertising option for your San Rafael business. Can you name the domain address of any other San Rafael website? Would someone in San Francisco or San Jose or Napa know the address of any other San Rafael website without doing a search for it? Not likely! That’s why over 50% of our website visitors don’t come to us via a search engine. . In other words, San Rafael.com receives direct traffic that circumvents Google, Yahoo, Bing and AOL. They simply type “SanRafael.com” into their browser and there we are.
In other words, SanRafael.com advertisers get to them first!
It’s not that search engines aren’t important to us. They are and everyday our technical staff works to optimize our web site for search engines. However, we’ve discovered that many of our visitors simply do the logical thing and “type-in” SanRafael.com. This gives us – and you – a big advantage over any other San Rafael related websites.
The next time someone from Novato, Sausalito or Petaluma is headed to the City of San Rafael for shopping or dining or any other activity where do you think they’ll look for your business?
Don't miss out on this unique revenue stream for your business. Contact SanRafael.com today! |